Higher Institute of Technology and Management (CITEC HITM)

CITEC, enterprising solutions to and awareness of poverty alleviation is a project initiated by AMINTEK SOLUTIONS INC., with the aim of using the managerial approach to enhance access to the labour market and/or promote the creation of micro businesses by the youths. CITEC (Cameroon Bilingual Centre for Information Technology and Consultancy) is a community – based IT training CENTRE initiated by the Director of Amintek Solutions Inc. and since 2004 developed by a group of young men and women led by Prof Martin E Amin (then Commonwealth Professor of Research, Measurement & Evaluation at Makerere University, Uganda), colleagues of the Faculty of Computing of Makerere University and those of the Makerere Business School.

The main objective of the project is to fight against poverty and reduce the high rate of unemployment among the youths in Cameroon, especially amongst the girls and women most exposed to social problems.

Our strategy is to impact marketable skills, i.e. technical skills that can help this vulnerable portion of the youth growing up in our communities to better compete or “sell” in the very challenging labour market of today’s globalization age.

Nom de l’institution : Higher Institute of Technology and Management (CITEC HITM)
Nom du promoteur : ATABONGAFAC Marvin
Région : Centre
Département : Mfoundi
Arrondissement :
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Adresse postale :
Téléphone : +237 654 57 17 24
Email :
Site web :
Adresse dans les réseaux sociaux :


Demande d’extension des filières à CITEC HITM: n° 18-06488/L/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SSIPES/GA du 03 aout 2018.
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